Teacher: Christopher Ash

Weekly Conversations

When a specific course is not happening, I open up our Zoom venue each Sunday at 4:00 PM, Sydney-Melbourne time, for conversation. These weekly Kalyanamitta meetings are open to those who have done my courses or have made an arrangement with me personally.

If there is a topic designated for the Sunday meeting, it will be listed below in the events.


Any courses will be on Zoom; and all are held on Sundays at 4:00 PM, Sydney-Melbourne time. In between courses we enjoy our regular conversations.

Individual Sessions with Christopher

If you have any questions about the approach to the Dharma, or feel in need of support, I’m available for one-on-one sessions.

In case there is extra content, click on the heading-link for the particular course.

Event Information:

  • Sun

    A 9-Week Course in Bodily-based Mindful Inquiry

    4:00 pmZoom

    This course is a nine-week Mindful Inquiry (Dhammavicaya) course, starting on the 3rd April 2022. Each session will be held at 4:00 PM Sydney time. The experiential component of this course will be based on Gendlin's Thinking at the Edge (TAE) process.

    The TAE skills-learning will be done in the context of formulating for ourselves a vision of the whole of the Early Buddhist teachings. Over the weeks, we will, each in our own way, articulate our understanding of the early Buddhist teachings, those presented in the Pāli Nikāyas. This course is open to people who have no idea at all of the Buddhist teachings, because the topics are (despite the technical language displayed below) sufficiently about human experiencing to be relevant to newcomers.

    The topics planned are:

    Dependent Arising 1 (Bodily Implying & Occurring)
    Mindfulness (Re-recognizing & Versioning as Core Processes of Experiencing)
    Kamma 1 (Intending & Thinking; Belief & Experience)
    Brahmaviharas (Kindness, Compassion, Appreciative Joy, and Equinimity)
    Khandhas & Dukkha (Five Sentient Processes as Personality Processes) 
    Dependent Arising 2  (Personality's Recycling)
    Anatta (the Language of Not-Self & of Person)
    Nibbana (Letting Be & Liberation)

    Cost: Dana, as per Buddhist custom.

    Eligibility: Anyone in our Kalyanamitta group can come. Others can apply to me for inclusion - christopherATwholebodymindfulnessDOTcom. If you have done the 7-week Focusing course, that helps; but it isn't necessary. In fact, I believe that a newcomer can gain Focusing proficiency during this nine weeks.

    This course will make a great preparation for our study of Sue Hamilton-Blyth's insightful vision of early Buddhism, which follows on in the next course.