A Vipassana of Vision course. 30 October, 2020 – December 11, 2020 (Sydney Daylight Savings time).
In Week 1, we’ll explore using Douglas Harding’s ‘Pointing Exercise.’
I’ll remind participants how to relate words to experience using Focusing, such that ‘bodily-felt meaning’ guides the exploration.
This is a practical six-week course exploring Douglas Harding’s Headless Way vision, alongside a study of the Kālakarāma Sutta and the Heart Sutra, and with reference to the writings of experiential philosophy of Eugene T. Gendlin.
The course is six weeks, in seven Sunday sessions start to finish.
The course has a special entry requirement in that participants need to be acquainted with the work of the Kalyanamitta.online group. Exceptions are possible on application,